Growth Mindset
That one time at Missouri S&T, where we had one sheet of notes to reference for the final hydrology exam. Most of the classes, no prob. My graduate degree hinged on the ability to pass this exam.
BTW, I am not good at math, especially when they mix the alphabet with numbers. I swore to God I was going to fail this class. I'll be honest, I don't remember how to calculate the number of gallons per square mile that an aquifer with 12% porosity, yielding .09 and a saturated thickness-80 feet has.
What I did remember is that I believed in the concept of growth mindset. This after spending most of my life with a fixed mindset.
You are capable of learning anything if you are willing to put in the work and be resourceful. Passing this exam was a significant emotional event in my life and gave me incredible confidence.